Traveling for a Month in China

I have learned a lot from your web site, I need some ideas from you on budget family accomodations. Can you recommend places in Xian, Zhangjiajie and Guilin.

Do you think staying in China for a month is a worthwhile experience?

Thanks a lot

Hoping to hear from you soon.

United Arab Emirates


Thank you for contacting us and your kind words regarding our site.

Although we cannot make specific recommendations for hotels, we have provided some general guidelines here:

Where to Stay in China - Accomodations in China

A month in China is definitely a worthwhile experience, it is such a big place you need several trips to see it all! However, it will really depend on your own travel style, sometimes traveling in China can get too chaotic and stressful, some people are able to take it easy and just go for the ride, a month passes quite quickly, other people are not too open to new things and attitudes and then the trip might turn out to be a bit stressful and a month will seem like a life time.

I hope you have a great trip, please come back to our site and tell us all about it!


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